Butte Glenn Medical Society

Locate A Physician

Locate A Physician
Care in our Community is a comprehensive directory produced by Butte-Glenn Medical Society in August 2019. Thanks to Physicians for a Healthy California for grant funding that enabled us to produce this. This PDF is in English and Spanish.

DOWNLOAD the Care in our Community PDF here: https://www.bgmsonline.org/site/assets/files/1100/care_in_our_community-_medical_directory_update_10_15_19.pdf
Before you print it, please be advised that this PDF is about 60 pages long.
Below is a short list of primary care providers who we believe will accept new patients. Please understand that this information is subject to change depending on each medical practice's needs. We cannot guarantee that appointments can be made soon. If you have an urgent medical need in the Chico area, please go to Prompt Care with Enloe or other urgent care centers or to the Enloe Medical Center Emergency Room. Other emergency care is available at Oroville Hospital and at Orchard Hospital in Gridley.
Specialty physician referral requests: email our Access to Care Program Manager at bgmsmanager@gmail.com

Specialty physician referral requests: email our Access to Care Program Manager at bgmsmanager@gmail.com.
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